what to wear travel to tibetFor many, a trip to Tibet is a once in a life time trip, so traveling to Tibet requires careful planning and preparation. We’ve listed some of the main things you should consider before traveling to Tibet.

1. Foreign visitors must be on an organized tour, either a private or a group tour by a local agent; individual travel is not allowed. The tour package offered by travel agent includes services like: accommodation, tour guide, car, itinerary, entrance fees etc.

2. Before entering Tibet foreigners must apply for Tibet Travel Permit. Foreign visitors must provide travel plan, colored scans of passport and visa to local travel agents via E-mail.

3. We suggest you choose to apply for Tourist Visa (or L Visa) with Chinese embassy in your country. For other visas like work visa, business visa, study visa, foreigners must provide document with official seal of the company or organization.

4. Foreign correspondents and diplomats are not allowed to enter Tibet in the name of travelers.

5. Never expect a fluke on sneaking into Tibet. The consequences will be severe.

6.  Foreign travelers need to stick to the itinerary and are not allowed to leave the group or have free activities.

7. Respect the tradition of Tibetan people including Tibetan Buddhist culture.